Suvira McDonald

Suvira McDonald is a practising visual artist for nearly 30 years. Suvira’s previous career spanned 20 years in theatre, investigating choreography, directing, design, and physical performance, with life circumstances catalysing his interest in clay as an expressive medium.

McDonald was awarded a Diploma in ceramics from Lismore TAFE in 1994 and, building on a degree in Commerce (UNSW) from 1970, was granted candidacy and subsequently awarded a Master's Degree in Visual Art from Southern Cross University (SCU) in 2000. His research focused on wood-fired kilns, which again required a physicality and performative functioning reminiscent of ritual theatre.

We are thrilled to have Suvira onboard and collaborating with Ecoasis, Curating a raft of exhibitions and art events with the North Rivers Artistic talent.